Sponsor the 2022 YJA Convention

Our organization's mission is to be recognized as a national and international umbrella organization for Jain youth by establishing a network to share Jain heritage, religion, and philosophy through young people aged 14-29. Our goals are to raise awareness for Jain values and principles, to create a forum for sharing Jain dharma, and to instill a sense of pride among Jain youth about their heritage.

We also aim to address the challenges, difficulties, and concerns facing a new generation of young Jains. Through informed dialogue and social engagement we prepare the Jain youth to become leaders, both inside and outside of their community while developing friendships and building a network among like minded youth. This in turn will lead to strengthening Jain youth groups throughout our local communities. Young Jains of America (YJA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, parented by the Federation of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA).

Become a Sponsor

Please e-mail fundraising.dtx@yja.org if you have any questions.

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